Monday, February 22, 2016

Rainbow's Magical Flower Salon - My First Mobile Game For Kids

First I must say how much I love playing games. I love digital (PC, mobile, X-box) and real world (tangible) games. I love hidden object games, board games, card games, puzzles, first person shooter, cooking, strategy.... yeah, I even love playing guess the shape/color or animal name games designed for babies and toddlers. If I could live of air and feed my family on 'universe juice' I'd play games at least 99% of my time. Got to admit - I'm a procrastinator to the bone ;). 

Enter science in the defense of procrastinators who love (live) to play games - YAY! There are numerous studies that positively tie gaming (of all and any kind) to creativity, imagination, problem solving, better motor skills, and so on and so forth. Here's one such article on creativity in kids. And in my own experience I strongly believe that this is valid for us grown ups as well.

There's only one thing that I love as much as playing games, and that's imagining and creating characters, worlds and stories, and bringing them to life through illustration. And when gaming and drawing combine they become game art.